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St Ives | Cornwall | Educational Trip Accommodation
Scottish artist Margaret Mellis was a pivotal figure in Modern British Art and was one of the first to settle in St.Ives. She created abstract constructions, paintings, collages and later driftwood assemblages exploring colour, form and structure.
In this workshop, students are supplied with a wide variety of found objects including flotsam, jetsam and driftwood. Led by artist educator and practitioner, Rowena Tarplee, they will then experiment with creating their own interesting abstract compositions in the style of Mellis, inspired by the harbour and with links to the environment.
Students make a photographic record of their assemblages to print at a later date for their sketchbooks. Students will then have the opportunity to explore mixed media paper collage in the style of Mellis’ paper and card constructs.
Time: 2 hrs. All materials are supplied. Download details of this workshop HERE.
£10/student (minimum cost of workshop £190)