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St Ives | Cornwall | Educational Trip Accommodation
If the school has opted to have breakfast at Cohort it’s a self-service affair consisting of a selection of cereal, bread for toasting, jam / marmalade, orange / apple juice and tea / coffee. If your child is vegan / gluten free relevant options will be available.
We also provide packed lunches (sandwich + a piece of fruit + a chocolate biscuit + a bag of crisps) and two course evening meals; both of which cater to all dietary requirements. The only thing to be aware of is that if your child is gluten free the option at lunch is a salad as the local bakery which supplies our lunches doesn’t yet offer gluten free sandwiches.
Your child will get a list of what we provide from the school prior to the trip and where relevant will be able to choose options. We are always happy to discuss individual needs on a case by case basis; our aim is to be completely inclusive.