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St Ives | Cornwall | Educational Trip Accommodation
St Ives has an incredible geological story. The town’s history and heritage are sculpted by the rocks beneath our feet. The natural shape of the coast creates a haven for seafarers. The bold colours have drawn countless artists to the area. The stunning beaches make St Ives one of the UK’s prime tourist destinations. All of these are influenced by Cornwall’s amazing natural history.
Join Sam Hughes, the Cornwall Geologist, to explore the beaches and narrow streets of St Ives and journey into the geological story that built the town. Learn how the shape of the land and what lies beneath have influenced the town’s evolving industrial fortunes over time. Discover rocks that represent ancient submarine lava flows, and how we get their dark blue colours that juxtapose against the brilliant white beaches.
This walk is 2 – 3 hours. Maximum: 20 students.