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St Ives | Cornwall | Educational Trip Accommodation
Cornwall: A Geologist’s Perspective is an entertaining virtual journey into Cornwall’s geological past with the Cornwall Geologist, Dr Sam Hughes.
Venture through Cornwall’s story of plate tectonics, and how the rocks beneath our feet can tell us about a time when Cornwall was at the bottom of an ocean and then centre of a giant mountain range. Understand how the last 400 million years has shaped the landscape around us today, influencing industries that define the county’s history, present day, and future. Find out what it means to be a geologist, and what careers are available around the world. More bespoke Earth science topics can be covered on request.
This fascinating and engaging talk will last 1 – 2 hours including a Q&A session and takes place at Cohort. A must-do evening activity for all geographers and budding geologists.